Adhesión al Protocolo de Madrid
La International Trademark Association en su boletín informativo vol.63 n°1 de fecha Enero 1 de 2008, se hace eco de la declaración efectuada por el diputado Jorge Landau para que nuestro país adhiera al Protocolo de Madrid... En el texto que se reproduce mas abajo, se ponen de manifiesto las ventajas que implicaría adherir al Protocolo, sobre todo para las pequeñas empresas. Como ven, una vez mas hemos sido pioneros en este blog.
ARGENTINA: Access to Madrid Protocol in Congress
Contributor: Paola Laurini, Bruchou, Fernandez, Madero, Lombardi & Mitrani, Buenos Aires, INTA Bulletin Law & Practice–Americas Subcommittee; Verifier: Georgina Pianta, Abeledo Gottheil Abogados, Buenos Aires
On October 23, 2007, a declaration issued by Deputy Landau to the Deputy Chamber (No. 4995-D, 2007) requested that the Argentine government adopt necessary measures to ratify the 1989 Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (Madrid Protocol), administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization.
The declaration notes that adherence to the Madrid Protocol will facilitate protection of trademarks internationally, via a simple and cost-effective filing system. It also mentions some advantages that brand owners would obtain by Argentina’s accession to this system: (1) the ability to file a single international trademark application in one language by paying a single fee, with only one deadline to consider and, therefore, only one renewal to file; (2) in case of recordal of trademark assignments or change of ownership or addresses in one local office, such changes would be effective for all contracting parties to the Madrid Protocol; and (3) medium-sized companies that do not have enough funds to afford international protection can use the cost-effective system.
The declaration should be addressed by both chambers of Parliament before it can become law.
Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of items carried in the INTA Bulletin, readers are urged to check independently on matters of specific concern or interest.
© 2008 International Trademark Association, 655 Third Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10017-5617 USA
phone +1-212-642-1700 fax +1-212-768-7796
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ARGENTINA: Access to Madrid Protocol in Congress
Contributor: Paola Laurini, Bruchou, Fernandez, Madero, Lombardi & Mitrani, Buenos Aires, INTA Bulletin Law & Practice–Americas Subcommittee; Verifier: Georgina Pianta, Abeledo Gottheil Abogados, Buenos Aires
On October 23, 2007, a declaration issued by Deputy Landau to the Deputy Chamber (No. 4995-D, 2007) requested that the Argentine government adopt necessary measures to ratify the 1989 Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (Madrid Protocol), administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization.
The declaration notes that adherence to the Madrid Protocol will facilitate protection of trademarks internationally, via a simple and cost-effective filing system. It also mentions some advantages that brand owners would obtain by Argentina’s accession to this system: (1) the ability to file a single international trademark application in one language by paying a single fee, with only one deadline to consider and, therefore, only one renewal to file; (2) in case of recordal of trademark assignments or change of ownership or addresses in one local office, such changes would be effective for all contracting parties to the Madrid Protocol; and (3) medium-sized companies that do not have enough funds to afford international protection can use the cost-effective system.
The declaration should be addressed by both chambers of Parliament before it can become law.
Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of items carried in the INTA Bulletin, readers are urged to check independently on matters of specific concern or interest.
© 2008 International Trademark Association, 655 Third Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10017-5617 USA
phone +1-212-642-1700 fax +1-212-768-7796